Social Media Video Marketing

Video is fast becoming the preferred way of consuming content online, with 78% of people watching videos online every week and 55% every single day.

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What is social media video marketing?

Essentially social videos are for digital channels, created to be shareable via social media and produced to be effective on each social network.

Video marketing involves using riveting videos strategically to promote your brand and convert your target audience. For years, video has been an important part of the marketing mix. But today, it's a lot more than that. It is the crux of a results-driven digital marketing strategy.

More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube each day, with 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds. And the numbers just keep on increasing. Cisco states that within 1 year, nearly a million minutes of video will be shared every second.

Social media video is an increasingly effective video marketing strategy for brands to connect and engage with their audiences. We've been using YouTube marketing to help brands reach and engage their fans for over ten years, both organically and through paid advertising. But YouTube is now competing with video content on other social media networks, notably Facebook, Twitter and their associated video platforms, Instagram, Vine and Periscope.

Nurture your brand with the help of highly-demanded YouTube marketing services. In this fast paced world, where everybody is interested in watching videos instead of reading the lengthy write-ups of anything. YouTube, which is already a famous social media platform is also becoming popular for making the businesses and the professions prevalent in front of the world.

Need a Corporate Videos for your social media video marketing which tell the world about your
business, products, and services.

Social video's popularity is on an all-time high, as social platforms are introducing more and more features to encourage a video-first world. Think Instagram Stories, Facebook Live sessions and 360 degree videos, LinkedIn video, Twitter's bite-sized videos, video ads and so much more.

Videos Boost Conversions.

A video is a great way to boost conversion rates. This could be through social media marketing, email marketing or generally just through your website. It is easier for the end user to listen and see a well-presented video than it is to read about a product and have to find out more information by themselves.

By conveying the right emotion and targeting the correct audience, video is one of the strongest tools for your business.

Search Engine Love Videos.

Search engines are always looking for website and content that has engagement. Not much can provide longer page views and audience than a well-designed marketing video can.

As well as this, YouTube is also a search engine! Have your video on YouTube explaining your business services and it is a great way for people to find your business.

Using social media is also a great way of boosting traffic to your website and increasing your web rankings. Social media is a great way to promote your video and get large amounts of engagement and interactions with both your social media channels and your website.

Video encourages social share.

We are currently in the ages of the viral video. Whether it be through Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 92% of mobile users share videos with others. It's a great way for your business to show some personality and connect with customers on many different levels.

Video marketing is only growing in scope and you're only limited by your imagination. From creating a how-to video to using Facebook live, there is a wide range of opportunities for you to choose from. It's not just for the big brands anymore, everyone should be getting on board with video.


Please phone or email, tweet or post on Facebook and we'll look forward to helping you with whatever challenge you have, especially if it's Internet / Event Wifi Setup / live webcasting / live streaming or video production of an event!